Writing Demon

It's time for me to start writing again, and to share my writing. I've been super busy with life and work and haven't prioritized my writing, but the energy has been brewing inside of me. I can no longer contain it.

It's interesting what comes up for me when I write. I'm sure others have this experience too. It's a combination of resistance, fear, and procrastination that can be tough to overcome. But, I'm stronger than this and know that what's required in these moments is to just sit down and start writing, regardless of my inner feelings and dialogue. Eventually the feeling passes.

Lately I find that writing in poetic verse helps me to get things off my chest and out of my system. I always feel better after I have written/birthed a new poem. Here's one that I wrote recently while I was feeling resistance:

Inside every writer
lives a demon
who devours words
stifles your breath
crams fears into your mind
makes you doubt your hearing
brings you black thoughts  

Out of nowhere
makes you wonder
who you thought you were
that you could write
or had anything of worth to say
that you thought you had value
something of interest
to another living, breathing
God-forsaken soul 

for crying out loud
of all people
how could you
it would be

Stelli Munnis

Stelli Munnis, PhD, is the founder & executive director of Red Sulphur. Stelli is passionate about helping people to evolve into the highest version of themselves. She loves teaching others what she has learned that has helped her to become a healthy and whole human being. She can be intense, but she loves to laugh and have fun. 


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