


I do not see the world as a place full of objects; rather, I see everything as part of a living organism, with consciousness. When I go out with my camera, I shoot what moves me. Sometimes I do not know why I am drawn to a particular person or situation, but I trust my instinct in the moment.

There are stories associated with each image I capture, but the stories are less about the details—when and where the photo was taken, who appears in the photograph. What I experience when I sit with my photographs are the inner stories, where meaning is revealed over time.

I hope you enjoy these stories.

“At the root of creativity is an impulse to understand, to make sense of random and often unrelated details. For me, photography provides an intersection of time, space, light, and emotional stance. One needs to be still enough, observant enough, and aware enough to recognize the life of the materials, to be able to ‘hear through the eyes’.”

– Paul Caponigro